Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Character and Attributes of God

Sovereign- "The assertion of God's absolute sovereignty in creation, providence, and grace is basic to biblical belief and biblical praise." by J.I. Packer from his book, Concise Theology, (Tyndale Publishers)

"God's sovereignty is the attribute by which He rules His entire creation; and to be sovereign, God must be all-knowing, all-powerful, and absolutely free. . . Were there even one datum of knowledge, however small, unknown to God, His rule would break down at that point. To be Lord over all creation, He must possess all knowledge."
A definition by A.W. Tozer from Knowledge of the Holy

Exodus15:18; Job 38:1-42:6; Psalms 47& 93; Prov. 16:33; 21:1; Daniel 4:34-35; Matt 10:29-31; Revelation 1:4-8; ch. 18-22

Omnipotent- He is all powerful, having power and dominion over everything seen and unseen. He is able to do all His holy will.

Gen. 17:1; Rev. 4:8; 19:6; Psalm 24:8; 61:3; Isa. 9:6; 10:21

Omnipresent- He is everywhere at once in the same way, and at all times in all His fullness.

Psalm 139:7-10; Jer. 23:23,24; Acts 17:24-28; Matt. 8:20; 18:20

Omniscient- He is all knowing. God knows all things perfectly, even the thought and intents of our hearts. He know all things past, present, and future perfectly. He is never surprised.

Daniel 2:20-22; Job 37:16; Psalm 147:4,5; Isa 44:6-8; 46:9,10
2 Chron. 16:9; Matt 6:7-8, 31,32; Prov. 5:21; Hebrews 4:13

"Our hearts cannot be inflamed about something we know not of. Unless we know God deeply, we cannot love Him deeply. A faint understanding of God is enough to begin the heart to stir. Emotions may be kindled by the slightest acquaintance with the majesty of Christ. But for that spark to rise into a consuming and lasting fire, our knowledge of Him must increase."

from The Soul's Quest for God by R. C. Sproul
Tyndale House publishers 1992

This will be continued.

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