Monday, August 15, 2011

The Bible Is Reliable

Before many people will listen to a Christian, they make a lot of objections. One of these objections is that the Bible isn't the Words of God. They may say it is a collection of many people's writings, and no one can be sure where it came from. In this current world culture, unbelievers are justified in their skepticism. It is our job, then, not to argue, but to present proofs as much as we are able that are irrefutable.

This book does not only contain the words of God, it is the very WORD of Almighty God; inerrant, complete, alive, and powerful.

A few years ago, I had questions about which translation was most reliable, and how I should prove the Bible is real to a lost person. I was ignorant of the historical development of the Scriptures into the form we have today. I did not know how to defend what I believed about the authenticity of the Bible. In my quest, I asked my husband, my pastor and theologians I trusted; and I got book recommendations from them. My husband graciously allowed me to purchase several of these and others I won't include here, to satisfy my yearning to know. He calls me a "high maintenance woman" at least in this regard. This was not to be my last quest, either; but this is a subject for another place. Yes, I read them all cover-to cover, except Josephus, objectively comparing, and getting guidance from my husband as I went.

Following is a list of the books I recommend out of those, that we judged to be true and objective to honestly communicate the facts, and helpful to answer my questions. No one book completely "did it all," thus more were added, one-by-one till our library and budget cried out, "enough already!"

I hope you are able to get at least a couple of these if you deal with skeptics. Even as a parent or teacher, you may want to have and read one or two.

                         Books I recommend

The Signature of God by Grant R. Jeffery 1996
Frontier Research Publications, Inc.

The New Testament Documents by F.F. Bruce 2nd printing 1972
Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Essential Guide to Bible Versions by Philip W. Comfort 2000
Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

The Bible in Translation by Bruce M. Metzger 2001
Baker Academic, A Division of Baker Book House Co.

How We Got the Bible by Neil R. Lightfoot 2nd edition 1988
Baker Book House

The Complete World of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Davies, Brooke, & Callaway 2002 Thames & Hudson Ltd., London

The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus (Joseph ben Matthias) A.D. 37- 100 He was a secular historian fascinated with Jewish history. This work serves to show that people regarded history of God's people as a worthy subject, and respected this historian as reliable.

The Reformation Study Bible R.C. Sproul, Editor; Keith Mathison, Assoc. Editor. Ligonier Ministries, Publishers

At the beginning of every book, there is a helpful discussion of the Author, The Date and Occasion, Characteristics and Themes; and certain books have Historical Background and a discussion Interpretive difficulties as needed. These helps have given me information that is helpful to show how each particular book has a niche in history, and reality. These people really existed. This writing really is documented. God really did these things.

Mrs. Judikay Abigail Humes, August 15, 2011