Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Introducing God

In this section, it is important that you, yourself believe, know, and can relate first-hand to something about God. You are indeed made in His image. You have God, the Holy spirit dwelling inside your body, His temple, if you have received Jesus Christ as Savior. The person to whom you are witnessing must see something good in you, something loving in you, to believe you know God. When you witness, you communicate as much by who you are, as you do by words.

As you study to show yourself approved to God, learning God's character is a blessing, and helps equip you to introduce others to Him. In the list below, some of the attributes of God are listed with definitions and references to help equip you for this:

Attributes of God

Holy- separated, set apart, other, not common;
God is separate from and high above His creation, and He
 is separate from and high above his creation's corruption.
God is incomparable! He dwells in unapproachable light.

Isa. 6:1-3; 57:15; Psalm 111:9; John 1:5; Habakkuk. 1:13a

One, yet Trinity- One God, existing in three persons,
equal in power, substance and glory.
(Not three gods or three functions)

Deut 6:4; 2 Cor. 13:14; John 1:1:Matt. 28:19; Eph 4:4-6

Eternal, Self-existent, Immutable- Without beginning,
without end, timeless and ageless, always existing,
has no needs, depends on nothing, and will never change.

Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am"; Daniel 7:9; Isa 40:28;

Psalm 90:2; Jeremiah 10:10; P36:9; Acts 17:22-31;

Mal.3:6; Psalm 102:25-27; Hebrews 13:8; James 1:17

This will be continued.

Please direct Questions and Comments to:   sharethegospel@windstream.net