For the Record, I believe:
The Holy bible containing 66 books called New Testament and Old Testament are "given by inspiration(breathed out) of God, and are profitable for doctrine(teaching), for reproof, for correction and for instruction (training) in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
I also believe that "no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced for the will of man, but spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." (2 Peter 1:20,21)
I further believe that the writers of the New Testament were valid writers. I believe Paul the Apostle was struck down with the personal presence of Jesus Christ as he states in Acts several times; and that what he wrote confirms and supports and agrees with Old Testament writings preserved with meticulous care through the centuries. Therefore, I have confidence that Paul was chosen, called, and saved by the power of Almighty God, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and filled with the Holy Spirit of God as he testifies he was. There were many witnesses to his conversion and miracles as there were Peter's. If Paul wrote Romans, (affectionately called the 'little Bible' by some) and it is true, then we must conclude that all of what he wrote is true.
To doubt the Bible at any point and believe opposite of what God preserved for us through many proofs and witnesses is to doubt that there is a Holy God at all and to doubt that His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ died to save us. The Bible is the primary record that all other records rely upon and refer to, and compare for a constant unchanging standard of truth.
And if Paul's writings are not true, then ALL the New Testament is a lie and he was a horrible counterfeit, and had a huge cohort of liars do miraculous tricks; and he suffered at the hands of the Romans and Jews needlessly.
I choose to believe the Bible is true, for it was the Bible that God used to convict me of sin, show me His wonderful grace, and has guided my life, answered my prayers. I KNOW HE filled me with His Holy Spirit, equipped me for service, and has called me by His Spirit to full-time service within the boundaries of His instruction for a woman. I have seen not only my own life changed from hopelessness to confident hope in the love of God and His presence for eternity, but also many others over the years. I have witnessed God do miraculous things when people put their faith in Him based on what the Word says He is. I know that the Word of God is quick (alive) and powerful. (Hebrews 4:12)
And if I chose to believe that the Bible is not true, I could not deny all its proofs and power for 44 years; and I would have to deny not only my heart, but also all that is sensible and real that I know that I know in order to deny it. To deny God's Word in its Truth is to deny my Lord. And this I cannot do. He is continuously Real and alive as is His precious Word.
This is my testimony in brief. To continue for eternity will be my joy; but for here and now, continuing is not expedient. Amen.
Mrs. Judikay Abigail Humes August 30, 2011